This notion that we should always invest in Technology because it changes our lives, gives Technology companies overly flattering credit for everything all other industries have contributed to for centuries.
If ppl are fascinated with how much they can do on their cellphones, I am still fascinated with:1) Telephony: we were able to call people on different continents for 150 years now2) Electricity light bulbs keeping the light after the dark3) Internal Combustion Engine: we no longer have to use a horse to carry a ...
Amplifying global oil and natural gas supply shortages, Norwegian oil workers went on strike this week.
Judgement aside (they make matters worse for global consumers by tightening output by almost 90K barrels per day), the timing is not a coincidence:workers always strike when their bargaining power is high!No oil workers went on strike when oil prices went briefly negative back in the May of 2020. But now, they have the time on their ...
In this investment world, being over-obsessed with the Fed, it is FAR, FAR more important to understand the timing and the magnitude of a turn-UP in China’s economy.
Why? Many related reasons to sharpen your edge: 1. Who would dispute that the Fed is a perfect lagging indicator, especially now?! 2. China’s economy cycle is completely different from the rest of the Developed world3. China is still largely ignored and underinvested in the West4. China’s economy is comparable to the US, it grows faster.5. ...
Exxon Mobil has preannounced that profits for Q2 are running close to $18B.
Fully realizing that the Q2 quarter tends to be cyclically profitable for its refinery business (ramping up output into the US driving season),let’s ballpark Exxon’s profits for 2022 at $80B, and that number would certainly grow as oil is almost certainly would grow up, given supply tightness and the funfolind reopening of China.How does that ...
Recessions have many reasons, including being a Watershed moment between the end and the beginning of new investment themes.
This upcoming Recession would end the 13 years of reigning supreme by the US technology stocks and would, almost certainly, open the gateways to the era of Emerging Markets and Value stocks. Algerian midcaps anyone? ...
As we predicted, higher commodities raise regional nationalism.
Predictably, the Scottish government seeks an independence vote in October 2023. Obviously, Scotland derives a disproportionate amount of wealth from Crude Oil. ...