Author: Konstantin Fominykh
Silver market “squeeze”
Silver market “squeeze” is nothing if you properly contextualize it:
GameStop short squeeze saga unfolds
Stocks are not attractive enough?
Some investment strategists, like widely respected Tom Lee argue that equities would go higher, because ppl have are underinvested in stocks.
The Market is down only -2.6%
The Market is down only -2.6%, the first draw of any significance after a 16% melt up last 6 months, yet it has prompted a statement from the SEC that they “are watching market volatility”…
This fascinating short squeeze in GameStop helped to propel the Energy space up.
A few levered Energy ETFs and underlying Energy stocks denied the logic of the cyclical market sell-off and are up for the day…
However, the story with Energy stocks is far more fundamental (i.e. less interesting) – the recovery in the energy demand and price of Crude Oil is inevitable, with every new ration of vaccine being administered…
Martha Stewart and Kim Kardashian should be talking about vaccinating their pets (and we would support that!)
Canadian economy is flush enough
It is so refreshing to hear from the Governor of Bank of Canada (Tiff Macklem) saying that the Canadian economy is flush enough with stimulus to survive the current downturn and doesn’t need any additional injection from the monetary policy.
Maybe we can see a day when our Fiscal and Monetary authorities could have exercised some restraint and foresight that sometimes (just sometimes!) enough IS enough…
No need to overinflate everything driving the budget deficit to 25% of GDP like Zimbabwe…
Yes, the GameStop trading went nuts, and such insane moves do happen when markets are so overheated.
The excessive valuation of Technology stocks conflicts with the notion of Technology being a disruptor…
When Bitcoin plunges more than 10%…
When Bitcoin plunges more than 10% on Thursday, don’t even bother looking for a reason…. It had no business being so high to begin with! Buying begets more buying and selling begets an AWFUL lot of selling ….