If ppl are fascinated with how much they can do on their cellphones, I am still fascinated with:
1) Telephony: we were able to call people on different continents for 150 years now
2) Electricity light bulbs keeping the light after the dark
3) Internal Combustion Engine: we no longer have to use a horse to carry a heavy load
4) Energy: oil developing companies can drill 2 kilometers underwater, then go 1 km deep, then another 0.5 km in the sea salt, then twist the cable and drill another 3 kilometers horizontally and hit a specific oil field with an accuracy of 2-3 feet. That is Technology!
5) Space Travel: we landed a man (he) on the Moon – probably, the biggest hallmark achievement of the 20th century.
6) but let’s go to the mother of all inventions – the Wheel. The wheel was invented in the 4th millennium BC in Lower Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) – a major center of innovation and Venture Capital activity back then….
After these and many, many others truly breakthrough revolutionary achievements, looking at the venerated iPhone is like:
“sure, looks sleek, what is the big deal here…”