I.e. what would be a bet-a-farm kinda bargain?
Two ways to frame this – fundamentally and technically:
The dominant player among cryptocurrencies would have to a dominant blockchain protocol.
Yet, we’ve seen the dominant player in crypto yet.
Today’s landgrab is highly reminiscent of the dotcom bubble and the subsequent collapse of the early 2000s.
We can simplistically compare investing in Bitcoin to investing in Yahoo back then – at the height of the internet bubble.
Just like an early entrant Yahoo was overtaken later by a far more sophisticated engine Google, now the chances of Bitcoin being overtaken by other more advanced blockchains protocols are very, very, very high….
One thing we know for sure, Bitcoin blockchain protocol is no longer the best, not even close
Historical charts of Bitcoin are hard to interpret.
Naively, previous strong support levels emerge at the 7,500 – 10,500 levels.
But nobody wants to hear that.